I've been working off and on with a good friend's project for a couple of years now. With all the wiring pulled, she's finally at the stage where the Megasquirt is running a base tune for he to fire up for regular warm ups and drive on and off the trailer when she needs to be moved. All the lights and turn signals are re-wired but still using the factory levers and combo switches. A factory cluster would need to be sourced but I thought I'd delve into what more enterprising wrench-heads have been tinkering with and developing: Running a custom cluster using EFI Analytics' Tuner Studio on a Raspberry Pi running a Linux OS.
I'm already familiar with earlier iterations of Tuner Studio and Megasquirt. I did some research by lurking around on various MS/Raspberry Pi oriented forums and blogs and learned enough to get me in trouble. Compiled my notes and necessary ingredients, then designed and 3D printed a case for the display and mounting face to fit in the factory location. There are some tricky details and nuances I picked up on, unique to the project (e.g. appropriate power source for the Raspberry Pi - if it's just under the minimum she'll be stuck in a boot loop) but not too troublesome that a little patience and trial & error couldn't overcome. The plan is to fit her to the "Ricky86", owned and cared for by #law_renzo, but the purple mounting face is an homage to the incomparable #cbr_toy (aka Robert Lee).
So without being anymore verbose, check out the video as evidence for the fruits of this obsessive addict's labor.
Let's keep each other inspired and motivated. - occa

*Once power is applied the Raspberry is configured to automatically start up Tuner Studio which is configured to load the custom gauge(s) in full screen mode. The display shown in the video is configured for a shut-off momentary switch: once it's pressed, Tuner Studio automatically closes down and then the Pi will follow suit 3-5 seconds afterwards.
A big thank you and shout out to fellow Texan Alex Bartonek!
nice work.